For instance, you may have set of comma delimited parameters that you want to use in select:
You want to use this set of country codes to select clients.
Without converting the comma separated string into table you will have to use dynamic SQL:
exec 'Select * from clients where Country in (' + @countryList + ')'This solution is not very good because if you have request bigger then one line, its will be difficult to trace it in case of errors.
There is a small function that converts comma separated string into table:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_CommaSeparatedStringToTable] ( @CommaSeparatedValues VARCHAR(MAX), @IncludeEmptyStrings CHAR(1) ) RETURNS @Item TABLE ( RowId int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, Value VARCHAR(200) ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @IndefOfComma int,@Value VARCHAR(200),@StartPos bigint,@EndPos bigint,@LengthOfString int, @ReachedEnd Char(1) SET @StartPos=1 SET @EndPos=0 SET @LengthOfString=LEN(@CommaSeparatedValues) SET @ReachedEnd='N' WHILE @ReachedEnd<>'Y' BEGIN SET @EndPos=CHARINDEX(',',@CommaSeparatedValues,@StartPos) IF @EndPos>0 BEGIN SET @Value = SUBSTRING(@CommaSeparatedValues, @StartPos,@EndPos-@StartPos) SET @StartPos=@EndPos+1 END ELSE BEGIN SEt @ReachedEnd='Y' SET @Value = SUBSTRING(@CommaSeparatedValues, @StartPos,@LengthOfString-(@StartPos-1)) END IF(@Value<>'' OR @IncludeEmptyStrings='Y') INSERT INTO @Item(Value) VALUES(@Value) END RETURN END
After using this function, you can use reqular sql queries:
Select * from clients c inner join dbo.fn_CommaSeparatedStringToTable(@countryList, 'N') t on t.Value = c.Country
As you may see, this way is much more useful.
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